Drivers Citrix

  1. Aws Citrix Drivers
  2. Citrix Drivers Windows 7
  3. Drivers Citrix App

XCP-ng needs guest tools to be installed in the VMs in order to communicate with the guest operating system. This brings better performance and is required for various features.

In short: always install the guest tools to your VMs.

AMD Drivers: Use the latest guest OS driver.-Citrix XenDesktop or XenApp VDA: Version 7.15 or later. User Type/Performance vCPU cores System memory (GB) # of enabled MxGPUs Frame buffer size (MB)1 Workstation (High-performance) 4 8 2 3840 Power (Professional) 2 4 4 1920 Knowledge (Enhanced) 238 960 2 3 10 768 Task (Standard) 1 2 16 480. To display a list of Printer Drivers in the Auto-Replication-List you’ll use the following command: Get-XAAutoReplicatedPrinterDriver. I’m pretty sure there’s some smart people out there in the Citrix Community who have already created some smart automatic scripts for replicating print drivers in Citrix XenApp 6.x. Deploying Printer Drivers for Citrix XenApp. December 22, 2016. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, PowerShell, XenApp 6.0, XenApp 6.5, XenApp/XenDesktop 7.0 - 7.7. Printers and printer drivers aren’t an exiting technology as the latest HDX Features in XenApp 7.12 and so on. But every Citrix admin out there has ran into issues with printers and printer drivers at one point or another. Right-click the driver. Go to Properties Driver. In the Citrix Hypervisor console, run xenstore-ls -f grep driver. If your drivers are successfully updated, they show the following versions (or later): xenbus; xeniface; xennet; xenvbd; xenvif; Recovery.

The tools are made of two main components:

  • kernel drivers for the OS
  • a management agent

# Linux

Xen guest drivers have been built-in in the Linux kernel for many years. All currently supported Linux distributions include them.

So all we need is to install the management agent, which comes either as a systemd or as a sysvinit service, depending on the Linux distribution. The service is usually named xe-linux-distribution.

Those guest tools can be installed:

  • from the target distribution's online repositories if available
  • from the Guest Tools ISO image that can be attached to any VM in XCP-ng

# Install from the distro's online repositories

Distros often have policies that forbid enabling new services by default, so most of the time the steps are:

  • enable the appropriate repository
  • install the package from it
  • enable the service

# CentOS and Fedora

Enable the EPEL repository in the VM, then:

The service is not enabled by default, so enable it and start it:

# Alpine

Enable the community repository in /etc/apk/repositories, then:

The service is not enabled by default, so enable it and start it:

Aws Citrix Drivers

# Ubuntu

Feel free to add other distros to the above list if they provide the tools in their repositories.

# Install from the guest tools ISO

# 'Supported' Linux distributions

For distros that are supported by the script (Debian, CentOS, RHEL, SLES, Ubuntu...), the process is:

  • Attach the guest tools ISO to the guest from Xen Orchestra or using xe.
  • Then inside the VM, as root:
  • No need to reboot the VM even if the script asks to. That's an old message from back when it was needed to install a kernel module in addition to the management agent. We'll get rid of it at some point.
  • Eject the guest tools ISO

# Derived Linux distributions

If your Linux distribution is not recognized by the installation script but derives from one that is supported by the script, you can override the detection and force the tools to install by using:


The likeliness for the installation to work correctly will depend on how much those distros differ from their 'parent'.

# Other Linux distributions

For the remaining Linux distributions, mount the guest tools ISO as described above, then look for the xe-guest-utilities_*_all.tgz archive. Copy its contents on the system in /etc and /usr. It contains a System V init script by default but there's also a systemd unit file available on the ISO (xe-linux-distribution.service).

See also Contributing below.

# Update the guest tools

It's a good habit, and may be even required in some cases (that would then be described in the Release Notes, to update the guest tools to their latest version when your XCP-ng hosts are updated.

Depending on the situation, just update from your distribution's online repositories, or follow the above installation process again.

# FreeBSD

FreeBSD is a 30-year-old operating system used widely to run all sorts of systems and has served as the basis for a number of operating systems, including MacOS, pfSense, and FreeNAS. The Xen kernel modules are built and distributed in the GENERIC kernel, so if you haven't customised or recompiled your kernel, the drivers will be present.

To communicate with the hypervisor, you need to install two ports(opens new window):

The script on the guest tools ISO does not yet support FreeBSD, so there is no point in mounting the guest tools ISO on a FreeBSD VM.

To manually install xe-guest-utilities from a package(opens new window) you can run:

By default the xe-daemon will run if FreeBSD detects the Xen hypervisor at boot. If that autodetection fails for some reason, you can force it to try by putting xenguest_enable=YES in your rc.conf file: sysrc xenguest_enable=YES.

Run service xenguest [stop|start|restart] to respectively stop, start, or restart the xe-daemon.

# OpenBSD

On OpenBSD, the xen drivers are also already part of the kernel. The script doesn't support OpenBSD, but there are ways to install the management agent anyway.


For OpenBSD search the forum(opens new window). See for example this thread(opens new window).

# FreeNAS/TrueNAS

FreeNAS is a locked-down version of FreeBSD, with many packages disabled to ensure a more stable environment for the fileserver. xe-guest-utilities is part of the packages that are not available in FreeNAS. But because it's based on FreeBSD, the packages from that OS can be installed, at your own risk. This is not a big issue for this particular package, because it's a leaf in the chain of dependencies - nothing in FreeNAS depends on it.

To install it on versions 11 or higher, until version 12.0-U1 of TrueNAS that includes it as default, follow these steps.

  1. Enable the FreeBSD repo first:

    If you are using FreeNAS v11.2 or higher, you also have to disable the local package repository to avoid an issue in that particular release and that may affect later versions(opens new window) before running pkg install:

  2. Create a temporary directory and move into it:

  3. Fetch the required packages. A directory All will be created and you will find the packages with their current versions under there:

  4. Add the downloaded packages, without their dependencies:

    The versions reported here are just the current version and they maybe different in your installation.

  5. Revert the repos to their original settings to avoid surprises down the road. The second command should be run just if you disabled the local repo in step 1:

    A restart of the VM will perform a reset of these files to their original settings too.

  6. Once the package is installed, you need to tell FreeNAS to start the xe-daemon process when starting:

    1. Go to Tasks -> Init/Shutdown Script
    2. Create a new task with the following settings:
      • Type: Command
      • Command: /usr/local/sbin/xe-daemon -p /var/run/ &
      • When: Pre Init
      • Enabled: Checked
  7. Reboot. If you do not plan to reboot the VM, you can start the daemon manually running the command /usr/local/sbin/xe-daemon -p /var/run/ &. After you'll see a FreeBSD icon in your VM list on Xen Orchestra, and you can restart/shutdown the VM properly from the Web UI.

Citrix Drivers Windows 7

More insights and options are available in this issue(opens new window) or this issue(opens new window).

# Windows

Windows guests need both the device drivers and the management agent.

  • The device drivers bring optimized I/O performances.
  • The management agent brings more manageability of the VM from XCP-ng, and guest metrics reporting to the host.

# Citrix tools vs XCP-ng tools

There exists two different set of tools that you can use on your VMs: the official tools from Citrix Hypervisor, or the fully open-source tools from XCP-ng. Both work well. The important point is not to mix them in the same VM.

Citrix tools:

  • ➕ Benefit from all the testing by Citrix QA team.
  • ➕ The drivers can be updated through Windows Update.
  • ➖ Proprietary, closed-source.

XCP-ng tools:

  • ➕ Fully open-source.
  • ➕ Maintained by the XCP-ng project.
  • ➕ ➖ The sources for the drivers are from the Xen project directly, without additional Citrix patches. This is good, but it may be that in some specific situations Citrix drivers behave better (None known at the moment).
  • ➖ The sources for the management agent are older than that of Citrix (they have stopped updating GitHub a while ago).
  • ➖ Maintained by one overloaded community member until Vates finds a developer to hire or contract with in order to maintain them more efficiently.
  • ➖ Won't transparently replace existing Citrix tools. You need to remove Citrix tools first if they are present, in order to install XCP-ng tools.

It's now up to you to choose.

Drivers Citrix App

# XCP-ng Windows Guest Tools

Drivers built by the XCP-ng community.

Download: new window)

Stability and testing status: Windows guest tools community testing(opens new window).

# How to know if tools are already installed and working

The VM needs to be running for this test.

# From Xen Orchestra
  • Management agent + device drivers: XO displays 'Hardware virtualization with paravirtualization drivers enabled (PVHVM)'
  • Device drivers alone: Xen Orchestra is currently (2020-03-30) unable to detect if the device drivers are installed if the management agent is not installed either. See new window). If it displays 'No tools detected', it is still possible that the device drivers are present.
# From command line
  • Device drivers: xe vm-param-get param-name=PV-drivers-detected uuid={VM-UUID}
  • Management agent: xe vm-param-get param-name=PV-drivers-version uuid={VM-UUID} (ok if not empty)

# Installing on fresh installed Windows

# Prerequisite: Disable 'Windows Update tools'

The first step, before the VM creation and first start, is to make sure than Windows Update is not going to install Citrix tools automatically at first boot. This behaviour is governed by the 'Windows Update tools' parameter in a VMs advanced view. It must be off.

Before creating the VM:

  • Make sure you are not creating it from a custom template than has the 'Windows Update tools enabled.
  • ⚠️ Do not create it from XCP-ng Center. XCP-ng Center automatically enables that option when the license allows it (and in XCP-ng the license always allows it...). This behaviour may be modified in the future.

Before starting the VM:

  • Check the value of 'Windows Update tools' in the Advanced tab of your VM in Xen Orchestra. Must be off.

If you already started the VM with the option on, then the Citrix drivers have been installed automatically. Restart from scratch or see below how to remove them.

Tip: you can also check the value of the parameter from the command line.

True means that it's active, False that it isn't. It needs to be False.

# Install the XCP-ng drivers
  1. snapshot before just in case
  2. unpack the ZIP file
  3. start setup.exe
  4. follow the install wizard

Note: Restart can take a while if your windows is currently updating. Restart only occurs after windows has the updates finished.

  1. after restart one of two messages should pop up
    • request for restart <- just restart!
    • Management Agent installed successfully <- enjoy 😃

# Upgrade from Citrix ®️ XenServer ®️ client tools

Our installer is not able currently to cleanly uninstall Citrix tools. Citrix tools' uninstaller itself isn't either: it leaves various things behind.

So we need to perform a complete manual clean-up of the tools:

  • either entirely manually
  • or using the experimental PowerShell script contributed by one of our users at new window)

⚠️ In any case, first disable 'Windows Update tools' for the VM (Xen Orchestra, advanced tab) and reboot it.

Following is the manual process.

# The confident option

You can try a simple process first with some chances of success.

  1. Make a snapshot so you can rollback. Windows can get unstable/unbootable if things go wrong.
  2. Uninstall Citrix ®️ XenServer ®️ Client Tools
  3. Reboot
  4. Uninstall XenServer PV-Drivers in Device Manager in following order (reboots may be needed):
    • XenServer PV Network Device (one ore more Devices)
    • XenServer PV Storage Host Adapter
    • XenServer PV Network Class
    • XenServer Interface
    • XenServer PV Bus (c000) (if present)
    • XenServer PV Bus (0002) or XenServer PV Bus (0001)
  5. Reboot
  6. Check that you see this unknown device in Device Manager:
    • SCSI-Controller - PCI-Device ID 5853:0002
  7. Unpack ZIP file
  8. Start setup.exe
  9. Follow the install wizard

Note: Restart can take a while if your windows is currently updating. Restart only occurs after windows has the updates finished.

# The nuclear option

If the confident option above didn't yield the expected results, then we switch to a more aggressive attitude towards the old tools.


What follows works in many cases, but some users occasionally still meet the following issues: XCP-ng tools not installing (but Citrix tools install well, so that is a solution to have working tools), and occasional BSODs in some cases or versions of Windows.

Through many tests, a user came up with a similar yet slightly different procedure that allowed them to avoid Blue Screens Of Death in their situation:

Help is welcome to help us reconcile both procedures into one.

  • Follow the steps 0 to 4 of the 'confident option' above if not done yet.
  • Follow this (ignore steps 6 and 7, do not try to install the tools yet) new window)
  • Now open regedit and go to HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices and delete entries for all xen* services.
  • In regedit, also go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionDIFxDriverStore and remove ONLY xennet* xenvif*
  • Go to C:WindowsSystem32 and remove: (you may not have all these)
    • xenbus_coinst*.dll
    • xenvbd_coinst*.dll
    • liteagent.exe
  • Now go to C:WindowsSystem32drivers and remove any files named xen*
  • Go to C:Windowssystem32DriverStoreFileRepository and remove xennet* and Xenvif* directories.
  • Open the Device Manager and Click View --> Show Hidden Devices. Select Other Devices and Right click on XENBUS VIF and select uninstall. If it asks to delete the driver, check yes. Do this for any xen related thing you see in device manager. Also do the same for any unknown devices.
  • Lastly, reboot the VM. You should now hopefully be able to install xen tools regularly.

Note: Also have a look at our Troubleshooting Guide - Windows PV-Tools.


You can try to manually inject the missing drivers in recovery mode.

  • Get the 'Drivers' folder from the XCP Tools installation path (C:PROGRAM FILES...) - from another VM or install the tools somewhere else to get it.
  • Create an ISO-Image containing the 'Drivers' folder (see new window)) and mount that ISO-Image to your VM
  • Boot to recovery mode and use the command line and the tool 'dism' (see Microsoft Docs(opens new window)) to inject the drivers (specifically the xenbus and xenvbd drivers) - watch out for the drive letter of the Windows installation and the CD-Drive ('D' and 'E' in the following example):

# Using the Windows guest tools from Citrix

Tools from Citrix are not included in the guest tools ISO distributed with XCP-ng for legal reasons.

# A reminder

As written above:

  • The device drivers bring optimized I/O performances.
  • The management agent brings more manageability of the VM from XCP-ng, and guest metrics reporting to the host.

# Management agent + device drivers

The only way to get the management agent is from Citrix. It can be freely downloaded from the Citrix Hypervisor download page(opens new window), provided you create an account on their site. Name of the item: 'Citrix VM Tools for Windows'. The installer will install both the management agent and the device drivers.

# Automated installation via Windows Update: device drivers alone

If you are using Xen Orchestra, you can switch the 'Windows Update tools' advanced parameter on from the 'Advanced' tab of the VM view. This will install the device drivers automatically at next reboot ⚠️ but not the management agent which still needs to be installed from Citrix tools' installer.

... So the 'Windows Update tools' option is not a complete solution if you need the guest metrics from the management agent. However it may be a convenient way to get future driver updates if you wish so.

# Switching from XCP-ng tools to Citrix tools

If your VM already has XCP-ng tools and you wish to switch to Citrix tools, then you need to do the same kind of clean-up as described higher in this document for the opposite situation.

Aws citrix drivers

# Contributing

# Linux / xBSD

If you would like to contribute improvements to the script so that it supports your distro, create a pull request against: Relevant files are usually xe-linux-distribution and

# Windows

The XCP-ng team is looking for help in improving the guest tools installer, build process, and clean-up tools.