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  • Connect to MongoDB
  1. Drivers Mondovi
  2. Drivers Monoprice
  3. Driver Mando Xbox 360 Windows 10
  4. Drivers Monoprice Graphic Tablet

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Author: MongoDB Documentation Team

There are several ways to connect to your MongoDB instance.

  • MongoDB Compass for access through a downloadable user interface
  • mongo interactive shell
  • programmatic access through a number of programming APIs.

The following guide steps you through installing the MongoDB client of your choice.

Time required: 15 minutes

What You’ll Need¶

If you are using MongoDB in the Cloud (Atlas), you will need to:

Or, if you plan on using a local instance of MongoDB, you will need to:

  • Install MongoDB and start up an instance towhich you will connect.

Check Your Environment¶

  • Ensure that your client platform is compatible with MongoDB.Refer to the Supported Platformstable for more information.




Select the client and environment you will use at the top of this page.

Install your client¶

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • Motor
    • C#
    • Go

The mongo shell is packaged with the MongoDB ServerCommunity and Enterprise distributions, and is also availablefor users of Atlas as a client-only download.

MongoDB binaries are located in a directory that starts with“mongodb-“. You should see a file named mongo, which isthe shell executable.

If you do not have mongo shell installed, follow theinstall directions for your environment.

If you do not already have a mongo shell, you can downloadjust the shell by logging into Atlas. For your cluster, clickConnect.

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Under ChecktheIPWhitelist, add the IP address of theclient you wish to have connecting to Atlas. Then click theConnectwiththeMongoShell. Follow the instructions inthe dialog to download and install the shell.

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Download the latest stable version for your environment. Lexicon 1394 driver download software.

After downloading, click on the downloaded .msi file. TheWindows Installer will guide you through the installation.

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Download the latest stable version for your environment.

Double click the tgz file to untar the file.

Download the latest stable version for your environment.

Extract the tar file and locate the mongo executable underthe bin directory of your install root.

To install Compass, see the Compass installation instructions

To install Pymongo, see the Pymongo documentation. Olivetti usb devices driver download for windows.

To install the Java driver, see the Java Driver documentation

To install the node.js driver, see the Node.js Driver documentation

To install the C#/.NET driver, see the C# Driver documentation

The MongoDB Go driver can be installed using goget:

The output of this may look like a warning stating something like:

This is expected output.

Download barcoview driver. Alternatively if you are using the dep package manager toinstall the driver,you can install the main mongo package as well as the bson andmongo/options package using this command:

Obtain your MongoDB connection string¶

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • Motor
    • C#

In order to connect to MongoDB, you will need a URI string. A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is similar toa URL, and is supplied as a parameter to the mongoshell, Compass, and the MongoDB drivers when connecting to a MongoDBdeployment.


You can create a URI string for your session in MongoDBGuides by copying and pasting your Atlas connection stringin the form below. Once you copy the string here, anyrelevant code examples within the MongoDB Guides will bepopulated with a URI string. If you have not alreadyretrieved your Atlas connection string, seeSet Up Atlas Connectivity guide.

The URI string used in the guides assumes you have set upauthentication for your MongoDB instance, and have created ausername and password for read and write access to a MongoDBdatabase.

If you have already set up a user with thereadWriteAnyDatabase role through the Secure your MongoDB Deploymentguide, you may use that username and password here, alongwith the admin database in your connection string.


The URI form below allows you to create a URI string foryour session in MongoDB Guides by filling out a form. Onceyou fill out the form, any relevant code examples within theMongoDB Guides will be populated with a URI string. You canchange these at any time by repopulating the form.


If your connection string contains $[password], you will needto replace this string with your password. Use cautionwhere you store and enter passwords, particularly when running froma shell or command prompt. Special characters in passwords must beescaped.

Connect to your MongoDB instance¶


Have you whitelisted your IP address for access to Atlas?For more details see Step 3, WhitelistyourIPAddressandSelectYourConnectionMethod inSet Up Atlas Connectivity.

  • Mongo Shell
  • Compass
  • Python
  • Java (Sync)
  • Node.js
  • Other
    • C#
    • Go

Select the operating system platform on which you are running theMongoDB client you have selected.

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

Pass the URI to the mongo shell followed by the --passwordoption. You will then be prompted for your password.

If you wish to manually configure your Compass connection, loadCompass and select the NewConnection link. You will see aform where you can enter connection information for MongoDB.

Atlas users can copy a URI string from the Atlasconsole into Compass. MongoDB Compass can detect whether you have a MongoDBURI connection string in your system clipboard and auto-populate the connection dialog from the URI.

See Set Up Atlas Connectivity for information onhow to get the Atlas connection string URI into your copybuffer.

If Compass was already running when you copied the URI string,click the NEW CONNECTION button.

You will be prompted to populate the connection dialog.Click Yes.

You should then populate the password field with theproper password for your MongoDB user in the connection form.


Errors related to connecting through Compass willappear in red at the top of the Connect screen.

It’s a good idea to put your connection code in a class sothat it can be reused.

If your connection_string starts with mongodb+srv, you need to install the dnspython module with

Now add code to call the class you just created.

For the MongoDB java driver 3.7 and beyond, use the MongoClients.create() method.

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For legacy drivers (prior to 3.7), use:

The MongoDB.Bson package is used in CRUD operations, soyou’ll import it here.

Replace your password and any parameters surrounded by $[]in the connection string in the code below.

For now, you will use the context.TODO().

Later you’ll configure the context specific to your requirements.

You won’t know if the connection has been successful until youuse the connection. A ping is one way you can test theconnection. This is a full example of a Go connection tomongoDB, including a test ping.

In your Go workspace and project folder, run build.

Now run the binary. For binaries that are not installed, you’llhave to specify the path.

If you’d like to run the resulting binary without specifyinga path, install the binary you just built into your Go workspace.

Now run the code. “yourprojectname” is the name of the projectdirectory that contains the file with your main() function.

For installed binaries use:

For binaries that are not installed, you’ll have to specifythe path.

The default timeout for the Go driver to connect to the databaseis 30 seconds. In the event that you are unable to connect,you will see an error that resembles this:


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Congratulations. If you have successfully completed this guide,you have connected to your MongoDB instance. In the next group ofguides, you’ll learn how to create, read, update, and delete datain MongoDB.

What’s Next¶

In the next guide, you’ll learn how to insert data into MongoDB.

See Also¶

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For CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) guides:

Drivers Monoprice Graphic Tablet

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