- Drivers Polabs Test
- Drivers Policy Insurance
- Drivers Polabs Taylormade
- Drivers Policy Protection Act
- Drivers Policy
- Drivers Policy Manual
Alan Lowne, CEO: 'I founded Saelig in 1988 to search the world for unique electronic control components and test & measurement equipment, including: economical oscilloscopes, PC and RF spectrum analyzers, USB and logic analyzers, AWGs, pure RF sources, DMMs, data-loggers, SPI/I2C controllers, Microscopes, high-reliability industrial and panel PCs, EMI enclosures, USB serial converter cables, etc. PoExtension is an extension bus, which is used to connect stepper motor drivers to selected PoLabs products. Master devices which support PoExtBus - PoKeys56U - PoKeys57E Slave PoExtension devices - PoExtBusOC16-CNC Features - Uses dedicated 10-pin connector - Simple and cheap additional output device for PoKeys master devices - Status LEDs. Polabs recommend Dir+ Step+ of my driver to the signal pins on the pokeys and the negative ones to gnd (My driver has both Dir+ Dir - etc, currently my + pins are fed 5v and negative = connected to signal of the pokeys. Maybe this will help out, not sure though yet Cablestuff on the mail, but I can make a quick rework of an old cable to test.
Drivers Polabs Test
If you want to build your own procedure trainer or fully fledged home cockpit, the hardware interface is the core of all. Somehow, you need to connect all the buttons and lamps to your computer. Here is a list of some suppliers:
Opencockpits, Spain
Wide range of interface cards plus lots of other hardware.
Drivers: Official drivers for Windows only. Driver development for other platforms is not desired - Opencockpits does not provide hardware communication SDK. No Flightgear implementation yet.
Unknown location
Very nice USB HID hardware interfaces.
Drivers: None required. Interfaces register as USB joystick/keyboard at the computer. The interfaces are programmed with a MSWIN software with keycodes and/or macros. For using the interface NO software is necessary. The whole config is stored on the interface itself!
Drivers Policy Insurance
Drivers Polabs Taylormade
If you want to build your own procedure trainer or fully fledged home cockpit, the hardware interface is the core of all. Somehow, you need to connect all the buttons and lamps to your computer. Here is a list of some suppliers:
Drivers Policy Protection Act
Opencockpits, Spain
Wide range of interface cards plus lots of other hardware.
Drivers: Official drivers for Windows only. Driver development for other platforms is not desired - Opencockpits does not provide hardware communication SDK. No Flightgear implementation yet.
Drivers Policy
Unknown location
Drivers Policy Manual
Very nice USB HID hardware interfaces.
Drivers: None required. Interfaces register as USB joystick/keyboard at the computer. The interfaces are programmed with a MSWIN software with keycodes and/or macros. For using the interface NO software is necessary. Drivers geniatech. The whole config is stored on the interface itself!